Dean’s Super B Complex
This Super B Complex is one of the best on the market! It is in a liquid form which is very easily absorbed.
B Vitamins are essential for energy, muscle function, mitochondrial function, protein fat and carbohydrate metabolism, cell growth and replication.
It has quite a distinct taste as the producers of this product do not use any artificial flavours or additives.
Each 2.5 mL (1/2 teaspoon) contains the following;
32 mg Thiamine B1, 6 mg Riboflavin B2, 54 mg Nicotinamide B3, 54 mg Dexpantherol B5, 30 mg Pyridoxine B6, 250 mcg Folic Acid B9, 500 mcg Cyanocobalamin B12, 250 mcg Biotin, 129 mg Inositol, 258 mg Choline Bitartrate.
Take 2.5ml with breakfast and lunch or as prescribed by your health care practitioner.
Aust L 135717